Optic Nerve Hypoplasia Consulting

03/2006 - March - ONH Consulting Newsletter

Jun 22, 2006 at 05:32 pm by Christopher

I would like to thank you all for your continued support and patronage of ONH Consulting.

Things are still moving slowly but surely.  On February 20, I received permission from the offices of Dr. Mark Borchert, Developmental Pediatrician at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, to post a link to a survey being conducted regarding the prevalence of ONH in the United States.  The purpose of this study is to identify geographic distributions of births of children with ONH and develop hypotheses regarding possible causes of this condition.  The link is directly on our home page.  To my knowledge, there are only two other organizations that have obtained express permission to link to this ground-breaking survey.

Your participation in this survey is strictly voluntary and involves completing a simple form online or by snail mail.  Your responses will be kept strictly confidential.  

Another major milestone in the development of our Web site was the indexing of our site on Google, MSN, and several other search engines during the past month.  This has lead to an increase in average daily hits on our site, and hopefully, subscribers in the future.  I have also added two new testimonials, including one from an official at a school district with a child with ONH.

Finally, if you click on my autobiography page, you will find a link to a poem entitled, “In Memory of Karen Carpenter.”  This is a poem I wrote mainly to illustrate a musical fixation that started during my childhood, as many children with ONH have intense musical likes that border on the fixations often seen in people with High-functioning Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, and related disorders.    The story of how I came to write this poem is complicated, and would practically take a volume to explain fully. 

Last month, I sent a copy of the poem to Richard Carpenter, care of the Carpenters Fan Club.   Richard Carpenter was Karen’s brother, and the other half of the Carpenter’s duo.  I purposely mailed the poem on the week of the anniversary of Karen’s death from Anorexia Nervosa in 1983.  The Carpenters still have a very large following, and one of the largest Web sites for Carpenters fans has had over 100,000 unique visitors since its inception in 2004.  In spite of this, I received a personal letter from Richard Carpenter himself on February 28. Apparently, he took the time to read my poem and found it very touching.

I thank you again for all your support and patronage of ONH Consulting.



Christopher Sabine


ONH Consulting, LLC. 

Sections: Adult Perspectives